Let's Work
We're here for you
Am Messeplatz 1
D-65479 Raunheim,
Hugo-Eckener-Ring 1FAC,
Building 235, D7.01D-60549,
Frankfurt am Main, GER
Personalized and Satisfied Crew Scheduling

Crew Management

Enhance crew effectivity and satisfaction with data-driven crew scheduling.

Pandemic-driven travel volatility has made traditional linear regression models unreliable for demand prediction in point-to-point carriers

Predictable crew roster for stable operations and increased crew satisfaction.

We measurably improve crew satisfaction, operational stability, and efficiency by tailoring our cutting-edge machine learning solutions to bring more stability to your crew roster and management.

Adapted to your environment

Machine learning solutions, trained on your data, to drive crew efficiency and satisfaction


Utilize data from across the crew management process to run more realistic scenarios and create a robust flight schedule that's optimized end-to-end.


Ensure your AI solutions uphold ethical standards and are compliant according to EU GDPR regulations.


Embark on a technological journey with our advanced, non-invasive, and scalable cloud-native solution. Enjoy enhanced agility and efficiency.
More Accurate Demand Prediction

AI powered Crew Management

What makes Revenue Managment solution demand prediction different?

Robust crew rostering
Utilize your airline's crew scheduling, demographical, and operational data to understand hidden patterns behind crew fatigue, dissatisfaction, and unplanned absence with machine learning. Our AI makes your scenario predictions more accurate and your roster more reliable, leading to stable operations.

Use demographical, schedule, and operational data

Use machine learning to identify hidden patterns

Holistically integrates available data and identified patterns, to predict more reliable scenarios for robust crew planning and rostering

Track and identify crew satisfaction based on actual data-derived insights

Modular solution that adapts to your changing business needs

“Their dedication and deep knowledge in applying AI technology helped us to develop state-of-the-art tools to enhance our crew management.”
Christian Most
Senior Director Digital Operations Optimization
Lufthansa Group
Ready to elevate your data?
Let’s work together!
Empower your team with data and AI today to create a more impactful tomorrow.
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